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13 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Did you see my Letter to the Editor in today’s InterTown Record (9/1/20)? If you don’t already subscribe to the InterTown, you can sign up here: https://www.intertownrecord.com/subscribe . For $38 per year, you can get both online access and have the paper version mailed to you each week. It’s a wonderful resource for our communities — well worth supporting.

      1. I’m glad to hear that you are now a subscriber. Small newspapers have really struggled in recent years.
        We are really lucky to a paper that focuses so closely on our small towns and provides a forum for us to express our opinions.

  2. Don,

    So glad you are running! Your steady mind will be most useful in the House and your insight into local politics and school board issues is invaluable. Thank you for being willing to serve. Your beautiful family will have to suffer your long absences but the sate will be the better for it. Good luck and warm best,

    1. Thanks so much for support and kind comments. I apologize for the long delay in responding but had a glitch in my website that was corrected today.

  3. Don, I want to wish you the best in your campaign to become a State Representative for Sunapee and Croydon. Your integrity and work ethic will certainly serve the people of this district well. NH is fortunate to have an engineer and businessperson of your depth and caliper willing to “volunteer” to serve— not just your region but the entire State.

    1. Thanks so much Bob! There was a glitch in my website that sequestered you comment until today but I greatly appreciate your support!

    1. Thanks so much Dan — I really appreciate your support! Sorry for the delayed response. For some reason my website was hiding a few comments from early September.

  4. I’m proud to report that yesterday I received Governor Chris Sununu’s endorsement.
    It reads: ““The families in Croydon and Sunapee will be well served by Don Bettencourt as their State Representative. Don is committed to protecting our New Hampshire Advantage and will be a leader in the State House, not a follower. I urge everyone to vote for Don Bettencourt on November 3.”

  5. Last evening I received word from Young Americans for Liberty (https://yaliberty.org/about/ ) that following a month-long vetting process, they have endorsed my candidacy and plan to actively campaign in NH for my election, independent of my campaign. I am honored and humbled to have received this endorsement from this amazing youth-centric organization. For more details, go to the “Home” page of this website and scroll down to the list of endorsements.

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